Hey there 👋 I'm a

Full Stack Engineer

Software Developer

DevOps Enthusiast

& an System Designer

I'm Prajwal Gadhave
- Web Developer

I specialize in crafting captivating digital experiences that bring your ideas to life. Explore my portfolio to see how I can turn your vision into a web reality

Who am I ?

I'm not just a web developer. I'm your digital wizard, here to transform your vision into reality!
With a passion for pixels and a knack for code, I'm on a mission to create web experiences that captivate, inspire, and leave a lasting impression.

Work Experiences

  • Built a platform hosted on AWS that automatically creates and pushes Dockerfiles to GitHub, using React, Generative AI, and DevOps.
  • Built an AI-powered pipeline that automatically deploys code to EKS when triggered by GitHub events.

LinuxWorld InformaticsOct 23- Dec 23

Generative AI Intern

  • ReactJs
  • Kubernetes
  • Docker
  • Jenkins
  • AWS
  • Langchain
  • Generative AI
  • Played a Key Role in Project Management, Ensuring On-Time Delivery.
  • ShreeArogyam Ayu: Created a fully customized React-based website, enhancing the online presence of client's buisness.

Turing TechlabsMar 22 - Apr 22

Frontend Developer

  • Agile Methodology
  • JavaScript
  • ReactJs
  • Figma
  • Communication Skills

 My Skills 

 My Skills 

 My Skills 

 My Skills 

 My Skills 

 My Skills 

 My Skills 

 My Skills 

 My Skills 

 My Skills 

 My Skills 

 My Skills 

 My Skills 

 My Skills 

 My Skills 


• C++  â€¢ Python  â€¢ TypeScript  â€¢ JavaScript

Web Technologies

• ReactJS  â€¢ NextJS  â€¢ ExpressJS  â€¢ Firebase
• Redis  â€¢ Supabase  â€¢ MongoDB  â€¢ SQL
• TypeScript  â€¢ Flask  â€¢ Django  â€¢ MERN
• JavaScript  â€¢ HTML  â€¢ CSS  â€¢ Bootstrap
• TailwindCSS  â€¢Node Js  â€¢ Restful API  
• GraphQL  â€¢ ThreeJS


• Git  â€¢ Github  â€¢ Docker  â€¢ Github Actions  â€¢ Jenkins
• MicroServices  â€¢ Apache Web Server  â€¢ AWS  â€¢ Google Cloud
• Kafka  â€¢ Kubernetes (Basic)   • Apache


• Netlify  â€¢ Linux  â€¢ Data Structures
• Algorithms  â€¢ OOPs  â€¢ DBMS  â€¢ Computer Networks
• Good Communicator  â€¢ Teamwork  â€¢ Creativity  â€¢ Problem Solver  

Thank You